March Event based at FearnochArdnaskie and FearnochSun 27 March, 2022
Local level event
Explanation of Event levels
Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Activities are non competitive events used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships.
Another fantastic event for EckO - people will begin to think the sun always shines in Argyll - long may it continue.
This month's event used Fearnoch, with the junior and beginner competitors testing their navigational skills on the Fearnoch forest tracks with an Easter quiz and the lure of Easter eggs to assist them on the way round. The more technical courses used the area of Ardnaskie across the main A85. They didn't have the lure of chocolate but the scenery, weather, great courses and fantastic technical terrain more than made up for it.
Congratulations to all who took part but especially to our winners: Blue - Iris MacMillan, Green - Terry O'Brien BEM, Light Green - Finlay Cottier, Orange - Jana Baird, Yellow - Éowyn Rose Price
As with all EckO events there are many members to thank for their help in planning and organising the event beforehand and their help on the day.
Fearnoch Planners: Huge thanks and congratulations to Ruari and Finlay Cottier, who not only planned an excellent yellow and orange course using the skills they had learnt over the winter but also expertly put out the controls prior to the event and along with Owen Stevenson collected them all back in again. Very well done!
Ardnaskie Planners: Many thanks to Susannah and Louis MacMillan for planning 3 really challenging courses in Ardnaskie. All the courses made excellent use of the terrain encouraging competitors to really read the contours, keep close contact with their map and carefully plan their routes from control to control. Ross Lilley did an excellent job as controller and placing the controls on Sunday morning. Thank you Ross.
Organisers: Jan and Alan worked behind the scenes to ensure that all risk assessments were completed, information, entries and start times were publicised and maps prepared.
Help on the day:
Organiser: Susannah MacMillan ensured that the event ran smoothly on the day managing the starts with flair and aplomb. Many thanks to Liz and Finlo Cottier for their help with the start and finish banners, collecting the tapes in and for your general encouragement and enthusiasm.
Easter Bunnies: Susannah and Iris did a great job assisting the Easter Bunny putting out the quiz and distributing the eggs.
Entries, Maps, Download and Results: What would EckO do without Alan? He beavers away in the background ensuring that all the maps are printed, the start list is ready, all competitors are allocated a dibber, runs the download checking that all competitors have returned from their courses and finally uploads the results and activates routegadget as an added bonus. Why don't you make it worth his while and have a go at uploading your course on to routegadget?
Control Collectors: At the end of the event when everyone is tired, the controls still have to be collected in. This is an integral part of any event and is a really good way of improving your orienteering skills as well being a really useful but not too committing job. Many thanks to the control collectors this week - Ross, Susannah, Iris, Finlay, Ruari and Owen.
Pre Event Info
Welcome to the March Event. This event will be based at Fearnoch Forest car park but using two areas.
There will be a yellow and an orange course using the wonderful Fearnoch Forest. Ruairi and Finlay Cottier, who attended an excellent on-line junior planning course over the winter are planning these two courses. Please give them your full support and come and enjoy their efforts. Everyone is welcome...
Start slots and dibber numbers are here.
Easter is coming early to EckO
The 'yellow' course will be in the form of an easter egg hunt with puzzles to solve as you make your way around the course.
The more technical courses (light green, green and blue) are planned to run in Ardnaskie, directly opposite Fearnoch. Many thanks to Susannah and Louis MacMillan for planning these courses.
In running this event we have the support of FLS (Forestry & Land Scotland) and we would like to thank in advance Lorne Nelson Estates for giving us permission to use Ardnaskie.
Please do not attend this event if you are currently exhibiting any Covid symptons. As with our previous events, we respectfully ask you all to observe the current COVID regulations, 1m social distancing, avoid gathering in groups at download and that you are familiar with British Orienteering's Code of Conduct
Location Info
Near: Taynuilt Lat,Lng: 56.44119,-5.30072 OS Grid Ref: NM981323 Postcode: PA35 1HZ
Open an interactive map in:
GoogleMap -
Streetmap (OS 50k)
OpenStreetMap -
BingMap (OS 50k)
Directions / Parking
Directions: W3W: belong.profited.verve
From Taynuilt:
Approximately 2.5km after Taynuilt, turn left off the A85 into Fearnoch using the forestry commission entrance.
From Oban:
Approximately 6km after Connel, turn right off the A85 into Fearnoch using the forestry commission entrance (not Fearnoch village)
Please park considerately in the main forestry commission car park
Map / Terrain
Fearnoch was originally mapped for its path and road network suited for courses up to technical difficulty 3 (including Long Orange) and bike-O. Club members have since added in some detail to the more open wooded areas and courses visit some of these areas. Several areas have been felled in recent years or suffer from windblow but this should not effect the courses.
Ardnaskie is bounded on the North and East by the Oban to Glasgow railway line. The A85, which runs roughly East to West forms the other border. The detailed contours in this undulating area give excellent challenges at TD 4 and TD 5. The broadleaved woodland is a mixture of mature oak and younger birch thickets and is interspersed with several marshes. This area is at its best in the spring so you can look forward to testing your navigation skills in fabulous terrain.
Registration and Start times
Start slots and dibber numbers are here.
Dibbers can be collected at registration/ download in the car park
Course Information
Fearnoch -
The start and finish will be close to the car park and download.
Yellow - 2.8km Uses simple linear features like paths, walls and streams. Mainly used by under 12’s and family groups
Orange - 2.8km Basic use of the compass and route choice. Ideal for novice adults or experienced youngsters
The start and finish for Ardnaskie are about 200metres from the car park and download but involve crossing the busy main A85. Please take extreme care crossing from Fearnoch into Ardnaskie.
Light Green 2.8km 85m climb
Green 3.6km 120m climb
Blue 5.6km 185m climb
Entry Details
NOTE - We much prefer PRE-ENTRY and payment by bank transfer, but will accept some entry on the day (dependent on the number of maps available).
Non-members and orienteers from outwith Argyll are welcome to enter this event.
ENTRIES are open
Fearnoch - Complete the attached form here
Ardnaskie - Complete the attached form here
Entry Fees:
Juniors (under 21): £3
Seniors (members): £5, Seniors (non-members): £6
Dog restrictions
Dogs will enjoy a romp In Fearnoch but no dogs are allowed in Ardnaskie. Please keep your dogs under control and clear up after them. Thank you.
There are no toilets at Fearnoch.
There are some lovely cafes in the local area eg Robin's Nest, Taynuilt or Poppies near Dunbeg.
A first aid kit and volunteer first aider will be available to provide first aid for minor injuries at the event assembly but for all other injuries please go to Lorn and the Isles District General Hospital PA34 4HH Tel. 01631 567500
· All Competitors take part at their own risk and should choose a course that matches their experience and fitness.
· Competitors are advised to notify the organiser of any relevant medical conditions. If you wish to do so, please email event organiser as soon as possible. All details are confidential and will be removed after the event.
· All competitors must wear clothing suitable for the weather conditions.
·To get to the start of Ardnaskie, competitors have to cross the main A85 road. Please use extreme caution crossing here.
· There may be livestock present in the competition area – cattle and sheep.
· Ticks may be present. Competitors should check for ticks as soon as possible after the event.
· You MUST report to Download by Course Closing Time of 1400
Contacts / Officials
Planners - Susannah and Louis Macmillan
Planners - Ruari and Finlay Cottier
Contact: EckO