Spring seriesGlencoe LochanSun 26 March, 2023

Local level event

Explanation of Event levels

Local events are usually low key and in the 'localised' area, ideal for newcomers to try the sport and Activities are non competitive events used for training and coaching, aimed at members of the club, but they can attract people from neighbouring clubs, and are often ideal for newcomers to try the sport. Regional events attract participants from around the local Region, National events are high quality competitions that will attract people from far away, Major events are Major Events such as a British Championships.



A big thanks to Chris, assisted by Alison, for Sunday's courses at Glencoe Lochan. Who would have expected a Blue course in such a small area?

The weather favoured us and quite a few newcomers returned to download full of praise for our sport.

There was a hitch with results on the Orange course, but this is sorted. A couple of competitor mistakes have been "sorted" in the results report as we don't wish to penalise youngsters (or inexperienced oldsters) for minor mistakes.

Thanks also to Andy for short notice map updates, and Ross for controlling the event.

And BTW, Bryan Johnson's unexpectendly long time included searching for his dog who'd gone AWOL.


Last updated: Mon 27 March, 2023

Location Info

Near: Glencoe
Lat,Lng: 56.68779,-5.09667
OS Grid Ref: NN104593
Postcode: PH49 4HT

Open an interactive map in:
GoogleMap - Streetmap (OS 50k)
OpenStreetMap - BingMap (OS 50k)

Directions / Parking

Turn off the A82 at Glencoe village and take the first right and drive through the village over the river Coe. Glencoe Lochan is signposted (2nd left after the bridge). Follow this narrow minor road up to the car park. This car park is also open to other members of the public so please park considerately.

Please note that this car park is height restricted - 2.3metres. Camper vans and cars with roof racks/ bikes will need to park elsewhere. The Pap of Glencoe carpark is further along the village road and the walk up to the event is approximately 1km.

Once EckO has 20 cars in the car park, all other entrants will be asked to park at the Pap of Glencoe carpark which is approximately 1 km away.

Map / Terrain

Glencoe Lochan is a scenic area with lovely, runnable woodlands providing challenges across all the difficulty levels. There is quite a mix of terrain ... some lovely woods, some rougher woods and it's often hilly. There is quite a lot of windblown trees so on-the-go route planning will be required. In addition there has been a lot of rhodie clearance, which leaves the woods very open, but watch out for the stumps! The many mountain bike tracks are largely mapped and often provide the only routes through thick stuff. In areas where they are small, complex or variable they may not be mapped. Bracken is not mapped but shouldn't get in the way too much.

Registration and Start times

Registration will be from 10:30 and the start will be open from 11.00 - 12.30 with courses closing at 14.30.

Note that clocks move foward at 01.00 on Sun 26 March.

Course Information

Entry Details

NOTE - We much prefer PRE-ENTRY and payment by bank transfer, but will accept some entry on the day (dependent on the number of maps available).

This event is open to anyone who wishes to have a go at orienteering along with EckO, SOA, BO members.

Sportident (SI) electronic timing will be used.

ENTRIES are now open

HOW TO ENTER: Please email info@ecko.org.uk with the following information for each competitor:

Entry Fees:

Juniors (under 21): £3

Seniors (members): £5, (non-members) £6

Dog restrictions

Well behaved dogs will enjoy a good romp around the Lochan but please clear up any mess.


There are no toilets at the car park but there are excellent facilities in Glencoe Village and the surrounding area.

TBC - light refreshments might be available at download :)

A first aid kit and volunteer first aider will be available to provide first aid for minor injuries at the event assembly but for all other injuries please go to Belford Hospital, Fort William PH33 6BS Tel: 01397 702481


Safety Information: