Jamie Stevenson Trophy



Posted: Sat 25 Jun 2022

After missing a couple of years due to covid, it was great to see lots of smiling faces on Moncreiffe Hill last Sunday for the 2022 Jamie Stevenson Trophy.

Twelve clubs from across Scotland brought teams along to enjoy this junior inter club competition. The sun shone and there were smiles all round for the club parade started off the event. The weather was kind and allowed everyone to mix and build on that team spirit or even get to know juniors from other teams at an assembly with a view. There were also cakes and other spot prizes being awarded to the younger juniors for effort, resilience or just some funky outfits whilst the older juniors had to prove their knowledge of orienteering symbols to bag a prize!

EckO was represented by two juniors - Iris (1st Green Girls) and Ruari (3rd Light Green Boys). Congratulations to FVO for winning the 2022 Jamie Stevenson Trophy.

Hopefully, EckO can build on this and send a bigger team to the event next year.
Many thanks to all the organisers, planners and volunteers who helped to make the day very special.