April ROMP at Glencruitten

This months ROMP is at Glencruitten, east of Oban on the back road from Oban to Connel (just past Luachrach Loch).

Fri 2 Apr 2021Read more…

Smartphone Orienteering

Map Run F Logo

Get your orienteering fix using MapRun. Urban maps are available for Oban with more traditional orienteering maps available at Ganavan, Sutherland's Grove and Tralee with more in the pipeline.

Tue 30 Mar 2021Read more…

Research Request: Adults Participation in Orienteering

We wish to share a research request from Mairi Eades who is conducting research in the area of adults participation in orienteering and their motivations. Please take 15minutes to complete the online questionnaire.

Tue 16 Mar 2021Read more…

SOA update on Community Conversations and SWAT squad:

Fran Loots (Regional Development Officer, West) provides an update on Community Conversations and SWAT squad here.

Thu 11 Mar 2021Read more…

EckO Spring News


EckO hope you have all been managing to make the most of the early Spring sunshine and have enjoyed the Inverawe ROMP. Many thanks to Dave for planning and organising the two courses.

Fri 5 Mar 2021Read more…

January Newsletter

Connel Bridge in the mist

Who would have predicted that we would be in another Lockdown, this time last year? To say it has been an 'interesting' year is a bit of an understatement. EckO hopes that you are all in good health and spirits and focusing on the future. With that in mind EckO would like to draw your attention to what you can do now and some things to look forward to.

Wed 3 Feb 2021Read more…

Inverawe ROMP

Inverawe nestling at the base of Ben Cruachan

The Inverawe ROMP has been extended until Sunday 7th March. Enjoy a visit to Inverawe in the beautiful Spring sunshine. Please note that there has been some wind blow so care is needed in places.

Sun 31 Jan 2021Read more…

Notification of the AGM and what does the new lockdown mean for you and EckO?

We wish all our EckO members a Happy New Year and we look forward to getting back to full orienteering activities as soon as Scottish Government Guidelines allow.

Fri 8 Jan 2021Read more…

Dunstaffnage ROMP

ROMP controls are out at Tralee.

The controls for the Dunstaffnage ROMP have now been collected in. However, if you wish you can still download a map, run round the course and visit the control sites. Please log your visit (ROMP) in the link below.

Many thanks to Finlo for collecting in the controls.

Mon 9 Nov 2020Read more…