Celebrating the success of 8 EckO Foundation Level Coaches
Congratulations to Andy, Bill, Suse, John, Diane, Roanne and Linda who completed the SOA Coaching Foundation Course yesterday and also to Emma who completed hers earlier on this year.
The team used a variety of methods, including jam boards and break out rooms, to discuss many aspects of coaching including how and what to coach, planning and delivering a safe session, reflecting and feedback. Between weeks 3 and 4, everybody was tasked with planning and delivering a session. Lots of fun was had by all ages and the photographs speak for themselves.
Huge thanks go to Suzanne Robins-Bird (SOA Coaching Foundation tutor) who enthusiastically ran the course for EckO members via zoom over the last four weeks.
Running this course wouldn't have been possible without support from the SOA and Live Argyll.